What do you see?


Red, and yellow, and pink, and green!

Purple and orange and blue!

I can sing a rainbow!

Sing a rainbow!

Sing a rainbow too!

This was a song we used to sing when we were young kids, when we saw rainbows in the sky. All we could see then were the beautiful colors in sky. This song came into my mind when I was out working in the villages. It was a cloudy day and was promising to rain. I was feeling low, depressed, and worn out that day. That’s when I looked up to the sky, and I saw a rainbow.

Now that I am older, what do I see now? When I saw this rainbow, I did not only see the beautiful colors and think of the song; I thought of Genesis 9:12-17. After the flood, God established a covenant between Him and us. I see that our God is truly there in heaven. He keeps His promises; what He says surely happens. The rainbow covenant was established during the time of Noah, thousands of years ago, but it still stands up to now. What more confirmation do we need that God is really there? This was a sacred moment for me, and my mood changed from being depressed and feeling low. I felt peace inside of me, and deep in my heart there was inexplicable joy.

This got me thinking, how many things do we see every day that show us, or remind us of God’s promises and covenants with us? How many times does God give us a sign of His everlasting love, but we fail to see it because we are so consumed with the things of this world? Just take time and observe what God is trying to show you. What God says will surely happen, all we have to do is have faith and believe in Him. It’s time to let go and let God.

Ruvimbo Zvikomborero Simango

Ruvimbo Zvikomborero Simango

GMF International, Class of 2016-2018




One thought on “What do you see?

  1. Wow! powerful and yeah often times we overlook God`s greatness through our doubts and narrow thinking. Its high time we look at the bigger picture our Lord does not change and is always there for us.

    Thanks for such an insightful blog.


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