Servant Leadership

Remember that blog hiatus crazy life thing that happened?  Well this is yet another blog post that should have been posted, ya know, back before Easter.  My deepest apologies to fellow South Carolinian and awesome sauce dude, Jay Knuedsen.

Think of a leader in your life. Good or bad. The quality is not important but the person and the type of leadership they used is. That’s what we’ll focus on here. Got your leader? Maybe it was a team captain, project leader, bible study leader, boss, etc. Now focus on how they lead.
Were they out front? Were they control freaks? We’ve all had our share of those and let’s face it, we’ve done it too.
Maybe they were behind the crowd. The emotional support. Those people are nice. Yet some times they just stand behind everything and watch right? Does this ring a bell?
There are certain leaders that just get in there and lead by example though. This is where servant leadership makes its entrance. Servant leaders. They aren’t on the outside. They are in the thick of things. Knee deep in the mud. They stand with the people and they fight with the people.
Now, yes we definitely need all three types of leadership in the world. We need the die hard out fronts, and the energetic rear guard. However, when it comes to spreading God’s love, servant leadership is the key ingredient.
Jesus is that perfect example. He came among us and taught us about just how much God loves us. Jesus didn’t sit at a high table in the middle of a town square and scream about our unworthiness. Instead he walked all over the land and spread love. He didn’t assume his greatness at all. Instead he faithfully dined with the least of us and told them that God loves us.
As we wrap up Lent, think about that. How can you emulate Jesus’s leadership? How can you continue that servitude he started and spread the love? Jesus came as a servant of the Almighty and then sacrificed himself for us. He didn’t stand behind us and say, “You can do it! I’ll wait here.” He definitely didn’t stand in front of us and order us around. Instead, he sat with us and said, “I have been sent here that you may know God.” I don’t know about you but I think that’s pretty awesome.

Jay KnudsenJay Knudsen
Initiatives for Peace in Mindanao, Philippines
Mission Intern, Class 2013
Advance # 3021842

Feel Free

We have a ton of feel good sayings out there. Phrases that you kind find on any hallmark card in the stores.
“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss, you’ll land amongst the stars!”
“Never say something is impossible!”
“You are the future!”
The sappiness is stickier than a melted candy bar in your pocket…
The kicker? It’s actually great advice. They’re right! Not only that, we could use a little more in our lives.
It’s tough out there. It really is. However, why not try something new? Why not shoot for the moon? This may seem like a really cliche post, but I think it needs to be said. What if you planted that vegetable garden you always said you would? What if you picked up the toolkit and built something you need? What if you wrote that book?
My point is this… Feel free. Don’t hold back because you think you might fail. Go for it. God has blessed you with a multitude of talents. Don’t bury them. Show them off. Glorify God with what you can do.
You never know what you might start.

Jay KnudsenJay Knudsen
Initiatives for Peace in Mindanao, Philippines
Mission Intern, Class 2013
Advance # 3021842