Missionary Soul


Time is passing and within a few months the GMF class 2014-2016 will be heading back home. For the most part, I think it is fair to say that we are all thinking about what is next and how we are transitioning back to where we all came from. Because of all of these emotions I started to think back on how I felt in August 2014 when I first got to my placement site. It led me to think about a song that I heard a few weeks after I arrived in Buenos Aires called “Alma Misionera (Missionary Soul).” I see this song as a prayer song to God. It talks about being sent out to where people need God’s love and being the hands to take his love to where they don’t know him yet.

This is a translated version….

God, take my new life before the wait becomes tiresome. I’m willing to do anything that you need me to do no matter what it is, call me to serve.

Chorus: Take me where people need to hear your word, need strength to live, where hope is missing, where happiness is missing just because they don’t know about you.

 I give you my sincere heart to scream without fear about your greatness Lord. My hands will not be tired, your story will be shared and prayer will give me strength.  

Chorus: Take me where people need to hear your word, need strength to live, where hope is missing, where happiness is missing just because they don’t know about you.

Marching I will sing, in the streets I will preach of how great your love is. God, I have a missionary soul, lead me to the land that thirsts for you.

Chorus: Take me where people need to hear your word, need strength to live, where hope is missing, where happiness is missing just because they don’t know about you.

 I love this “prayer song” and can sing it from my soul, but now makes me think further. Not only did we go to serve, advocate, preach, love, etc. We were preached to, served to, and taught many things in our two years. “Missionary Soul” is not only about giving and serving, it’s about learning to receive the same things and living in community with people. Being a missionary for one or two weeks, a month, a semester, a year or two etc is not the main focus. What I think is most important is to see how God has used this experience for us to grow closer to Him and to want to know more about all the things that are going on in our world. Let our prayers be to continue having an open heart to people, stand up for justice, advocate and to see what needs to be seen, to hear and to be heard, to love and to be loved.


Paola Ferro10560573_689924984409101_1773732067518427685_o
CREAS, Argentina
Global Mission Fellow, Class 2014
Advance #3021969

Roads and Detours

As young adults we experience many changes, it is a time that we start deciding where and what we will be working on for the rest of our lives. We make choices that will allow us to learn and live experiences that we never thought we would have. When I first applied to the GMF program I placed Latin America as my fourth or fifth option. I wanted a “new” cultural experience. Thinking that as a Hispanic in Latin America, I wouldn’t be as challenged if I was a Hispanic in X region. Well, I was wrong.

Living in Argentina for the past nine months has given me the opportunity to grow in many (if not all) aspects of my life, and to value my culture to a higher level. Not only knowing that all the countries are and have different traditions but living it and experiencing it. Growing a deeper love and passion for this region and learning some of the history and traditions that made Latin America.

Wherever God places us in our lives, or whatever road he is leading us to is a great road to be in. As young adults I feel like we are wondering where or what I will be doing in a week, month, year or for the rest of my life. Sometimes wish that we can maybe take an easy road out? Or sometimes wonder why do we have to go through certain life experiences? Recently I saw a verse that confirmed this:

Not only so, but we[a] also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. Romans 5:3-5”

But the beauty of it is that wherever that may be it will be worth it. The last thing we ought to lose is our hope. Even if we don’t see the plan yet, perseverance builds character and character builds hope. As young adults we continue to persevere and to aim for that hope that Christ has given us. That unknown road will have many detours but it will always guide us back to the main path. Although I applied to be in other regions I’m grateful that I am where I am now. Excited to see what he will continue to do in our lives as young adults serving everywhere!

Paola Ferro10560573_689924984409101_1773732067518427685_o
CREAS, Argentina
Global Mission Fellow, Class 2014
Advance #3021969